The Harvard school of dental medicine is located in the longwood medical area in boston , Massachusetts . Harvard school of dentistry offers specialty training programs & advanced training programs. Being highly selective, admissions in pre-doctoral and post- doctoral residencial programs are fiercely competitive.
Dr. Jaswinder is the first dentist in Punjab to be certified in advanced implantology course from Harvard school of dental medicine. He has completed his graduation from bapuji dental college and hospital , davengere. He has been serving this field since 25 years. He has worked as a lecturer in Dashmesh institute of research and dental sciences. He did his post graduation course in cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry from New york university COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY (USA). He is certified implantologist by leader italia (italy). He is capable of handling all kinds of orthodontic cases. He has done specialization in bonegrafting from DUGUNI University (SFO) CALIFORNIA (US).